ClinoStar Software Release Notes
This note describes the software changes introduced as part of:
ClinoStar Firmware Release 2.0
ClinoStar App Release 2.0.127
This document describes the changes from an overall perspective. Where applicable, the end-user can read more in the updated user and service manual (Manual Release v2.01) accompanying all new deliveries of the ClinoStar and which can be found on the CelVivo website.
Critical Functionality included in the release
The firmware release for the ClinoStar contains a critical update to the fan and motor control.
The functionality enables the ClinoStar to control the backside cooling fan and only switch the fan on when cooling is required ensuring an optimal airflow in the unit. This reduces the risk of dust and foreign particles in the unit lowering the risk of possible infection and/or malfunction of the device.
The update also contains adjusted motor control algorithm to prolong the lifetime of the engine and optimize rotation smoothness to ensure optimal conditions.
No user interaction is required. When the update has been applied, the functionality will automatically be switched on.
We strongly encourage all customers to upgrade at the earliest convenience.
New possibilities with Functions !
The Clustering feature of the ClinoStar has been substantially improved. If you operate more than one ClinoStar in your lab you now have even better possibilities to cluster these and operate them from one tablet. Refer to the manual on how to setup (provision) and operate a multi-ClinoStar cluster.
WiFi connection made easy
The ClinoStar can now utilize wireless networks available in the Lab. To utilize wireless networks a supported WiFi-dongle must be inserted on the back-side USB of the ClinoStar. Approved WiFi-dongles are available from CelVivo or through your distributor. Contact your sales representative to get started or consult the manual on how to utilize this new feature.
Screenshots made available
When the camera feed from the ClinoReactor has been enabled, the user can now take a screenshot of the screen including the video feed. The screenshot can be accessed by connecting the tablet to a computer using at accompanying USB-cable. Refer to the manual on how to use this feature.
Minor corrections
The release contains a range of minor corrections and bugfixes shortly described below:
- The CO2 and temperature control has been improved.
- The setting for door-USBs has been updated to allow faster charging of the tablet
- Error handling and reporting on mixer-fan has been improved
- Logging updated to allow faster readout to the tablet during “wake-from-sleep”
- App freeze under specific use cases resolved
- Engine error (“Red engine”) not being reset after reboot resolved
- Fixing issues causing lack of configuration save (temperature, CO2, and engine speed) under specific operating conditions
- Minor cosmetic fixes, for instance when sliding between cameras on the App